Info | Value |
Component Type | org.primefaces.extensions.component.Sheet |
Handler Class | None |
Renderer Type | org.primefaces.extensions.component.SheetRenderer |
Description | None |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
activeHeaderStyleClass | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| CSS class name for all active headers in selections. The header will be marked with this class name only when a whole column or row will be selected. |
allowTabOffSheet | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean )
| Allowing focusing the next component if the sheet is currently on the first or last cell. |
binding | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to javax.faces.component.UIComponent )
| An el expression referring to a server side UIComponent instance in a backing bean. |
caseSensitiveSort | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean )
| Case sensitivity for sorting, insensitive by default. |
commentedCellStyleClass | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| CSS class name added to the commented cells. |
converter | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.faces.convert.Converter )
| An el expression or a literal text that defines a converter for the component. When it's an EL expression, it's resolved to a converter instance. In case it's a static text, it must refer to a converter id. |
converterMessage | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| Message to display when conversion fails. |
currentColClass | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| The style class to apply dynamically to the selected column. |
currentColStyleClass | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| CSS class name for all visible columns in the current selection. |
currentHeaderStyleClass | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| CSS class name for all visible headers in current selection. |
currentRowClass | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| The style class to apply dynamically to the selected row. |
currentRowStyleClass | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| CSS class name for all visible rows in the current selection. |
emptyMessage | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| The message to be displayed if no records exist in the sheet. |
errorMessage | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| A global error message to be added when the Sheet is invalid. If not specified, no global message is added. If specified, a global message will be added with this value. |
extender | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| Name of javascript function to extend the options of the underlying Handsontable plugin. |
filteredValue | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.util.List )
| List to keep the filtered/sorted data if filtering/sorting is enabled. |
fixedCols | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.Integer )
| The number of columns to fix or freeze on the left when scrolling. |
fixedRows | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.Integer )
| The number of rows to fix or freeze on the top when scrolling. |
fixedRowsBottom | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.Integer )
| The number of rows to fix or freeze on the bottom when scrolling. |
height | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.Integer )
| The height of the sheet in pixels. It is recommended you use this property instead of a style class to ensure it is applied to the proper element. This can be left empty, but performance may suffer. |
id | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| Unique identifier of the component in a namingContainer. |
immediate | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean )
| When set true, process validations logic is executed at apply request values phase for this component. Default is false. |
invalidCellStyleClass | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| CSS class name for cells that did not pass validation. |
locale | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| The IL8N Locale langauge. Default is en-US. |
maxCols | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.Integer )
| Maximum number of columns. Default is infinity. |
maxRows | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.Integer )
| Maximum number of rows. Default is infinity. |
minCols | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.Integer )
| Minimum number of columns. At least that many of columns will be created during initialization. Default is 0. |
minRows | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.Integer )
| Minimum number of rows. At least that many of rows will be created during initialization. Default is 0. |
movableCols | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean )
| Allow the columns to be manually moved. Default to false |
movableRows | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean )
| Allow the rows to be manually moved. Default to false |
noWordWrapStyleClass | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| CSS class name added to cells with cell meta wordWrap: false |
nullSortOrder | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.Integer )
| Defines where the null values are placed in ascending sort order. Default value is "1" meaning null values are placed at the end in ascending mode and at beginning in descending mode. Set to "-1" for the opposite behavior. |
placeholderCellStyleClass | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| CSS class name for cells that have a placeholder in use. |
readOnly | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean )
| Boolean value to specify whether the sheet should be rendered as a read only. This is more efficient than cell by cell, but renders the entire sheet as read only. |
readOnlyCellStyleClass | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| CSS class name for read-only cells. |
rendered | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean )
| Boolean value to specify the rendering of the component, when set to false component will not be rendered. |
required | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean )
| Marks component as required. |
requiredMessage | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| Message to display when required field validation fails. |
resizableCols | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean )
| Allow the columns to be manually resizable. Default to false |
resizableRows | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean )
| Allow the rows to be manually resizable. Default to false |
rowHeader | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.Object )
| An el expression resolving to a header for each row. Optional. |
rowKey | true | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.Object )
| An el expression resolving to a unique key value for each row. Required. |
rowStyleClass | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| The style class to apply each row. |
selectionMode | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| Choose between selecting a single cell, a range of adjacent cells and multiple ranges of non-contiguous cells. Valid values are "single", "multiple", "range". |
showColumnHeaders | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean )
| Boolean value to specify the rendering of the column headers. |
showRowHeaders | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean )
| Boolean value to specify the rendering of the row headers. |
sortBy | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.Object )
| How the sheet rows should be sorted initially. If it is an expression, it must evaluate to the property to be used for sorting - this will not work when columns are specified dynamically. Otherwise, it can also be the ID (without any naming containers prefixed, i.e. no parent elements with colons) of a sheet column by which the sheet rows should be sorted. In this case, you also need to set the sortBy attribute on the sheet column. |
sortOrder | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| Sets sorting order. Default is "ascending". Valid values are "ascending" and "descending". |
stretchH | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| The Handsontable StretchH value. Affects rendering of the column widths. Valid values are "none", "hybrid", "last", "all". |
style | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| Style of the html container element. Width and Height can be configured here in viewport units |
styleClass | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| The additional style classes for the rendered table. Multiple classes may be specified delimited by a space. |
tabindex | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| Position of the element in the tabbing order. |
validator | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to javax.faces.validator.Validator )
| A method expression referring to a method validationg the input. |
validatorMessage | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| Message to display when validation fails. |
value | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.Object )
| Datasource of the component. |
valueChangeListener | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to javax.faces.event.ValueChangeListener )
| A method binding expression referring to a method for handling a valuchangeevent. |
var | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| Name of the iterator variable used to refer each data. |
widgetVar | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| Name of the client side widget. |
width | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.Integer )
| The width of the sheet in pixels. For auto width, leave empty. |
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