PrimeFaces Extensions project is a community driven open source project which has an aim to be a lightweight and fast Faces component and utility library in addition to PrimeFaces. We are big fans of PrimeFaces and this project is an extended component set with useful components missing in other Faces libraries or with improved components which already exist somewhere but don't work there smoothly. It only uses standards and is highly compatible with existing Faces frameworks.
PrimeFaces Extensions is an open source project licensed under MIT.
Main Project Resources
Showcase PrimeFaces Extensions is running on Apache MyFaces 2.3.x. We test it on Mojrra as well.
Roadmap. We intend to release PrimeFaces Extensions approximately in the same manner as PrimeFaces.
Expected release dates of final releases are coupled with PrimeFaces. The current released version is
General questions can be discussed in the PrimeFaces Discord.
Getting Started with PrimeFaces Extensions describes how to setup and work with the component library. This section contains links to the download repository and dependent third-party projects. Extensive documentation is integrated into the showcase.
Release notes list releases for all artefacts under the hood of PrimeFaces Extensions. This is a good place to see news and changes.
VDL Tag Library Docs to examine the latest tag library details.
Internationalisation page describes PrimeFaces Extensions locales and corresponding translated text for multi-language support of some existing components. Please read instructions how to add a support for more locales.
Last but not least is the Issue Tracker. Please feel free to create issues and feature requests there. Feel also free to initiate Pull Requests. We will review and accept all reasonable suggestions and patches. This is a true open source project!
JS/CSS Optimizer Plugin
Convenient plugins and add-ons using for web application development are parts of this project.
Started with Resources Optimizer describes how to use our Maven plugin for resource optimization. This
Maven plugin can be used to compress and merge JavaScript / CSS files, create source maps and optimize loading of images by using of
data URIs. The current released version is
PrimeFaces Extensions Book
PrimeFaces Extensions Project has come a long way as a community driven project with great passion and dedication.To get the PrimeFaces users closer attention and their interest to the PrimeFaces Extensions components features and their benefits,the book titled Learning PrimeFaces Extensions Development is published from Packt Publishing authored by PrimeFaces Extensions team member Sudheer Jonna.
.This book covers all the major features of PrimeFaces Extensions components and directs you how to enhance your PrimeFaces based rich JSF applications in a great level with step by step real-time learning examples.
We would like to thank JetBrains for providing us with an open source license to the IntelliJ IDEA - the best Java and polyglot IDE.